Keith's blog: November 2006

Thursday, November 30, 2006

frosty the bass player

....that's what i felt like after having to work outside loading a truck was sumbitchin' cold out there! What's funny is that I did winter stints for work in Vancouver and Bosnia and Kosovo (all balls cold in the winter) and lived for a long time in Minneapolis back in the day, when weather like this is actually not bad...I remember standing out waiting for the bus one morning in Minneapolis when it was literally -23 out...and that wasn't counting the windchill. When it's that cold, you don't dare touch anything bare metal if you can help it...and never get gas on your bare skin when it's cold like that out, you can give yourself instant frostbite. Which ranks right up there with syphilis and Barry Manilow in the 'Things That Are Total Bummers' category.

Speaking of Frosty, look very carefully at his hand and that broomstick, what the hell is going on????? No wonder he looks so friggin' jolly.

Anyway, what will NOT be cold is our show on Sat night at Bum's in Temple for our Temple CD Release for "Last Stand", should definitely be good times! See youse kids there.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Episode IX: Attack of the Sporks

Holy crap! There is actually a semi-official spork website out there....although I was very upset to see that they did not mention my famous Mk-VII Attack Spork (with laser sight and bayonet attachment). I will have to visit their corporate website headquarters, and spork them repeatedly in the jugular until they see the humongous error of their ways.

So anyway, there are two new songs from our new CD "Last Stand" on our myspace page at It seems like a year ago that we were sweating it out (literally) in the studio, so it's nice to hear the final product. Feel free to check them out...I'll find out if you don't. And then, one night, while you're snoozing happily away, thinking you're safe and sound in your little bed, I will low crawl in with my trusty spork in my teeth ala Rambo and, well, it'll be all over. Next thing you know, you'll be chatting with St. Peter (or Buddha/Mohammed/Captain Crunch, whatever your preferred deity is).

As Jennifer and Tricia from Tyler know, it is not wise to anger the spork...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

some random things....

...when I usually sit down to write a blog, I initially have absolutely no idea what I'm going to write usually just comes to me in a flash and off I go.

So I've been sitting here, waiting. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nothing inspirational, as Colin likes to put it (sorry I stole your world, buddy).

So time for some random thoughts, at which I excel at.

- We had to cancel a gig this weekend, something we almost never, EVER do, but Chris got offered a full-expenses paid trip to Disney Land that would be over the weekend. Normally I would SO make fun of this idea, Chris going to Disney Land, but it was for a damn good cause. As you know, Chris is the chief computer toad for Kidd Kraddick and works at the station, and every year Kidd takes a bunch of terminally ill or very ill kids to Disney World, as their parents usually can't afford it. He asked Chris to come along, so I'll let Baldilocks slide on this one. What was weird is that Chris couldn't bring his wife, so here's his chance to make out with Snow White and she would never know, haha. But seriously, if you want to know more about Kidd's Kids, go to the Kidd's Kids website here.

- Speaking of cancelling gigs, we shoulda cancled that San Angelo gig last July and gone camping, in retrospect.

- We will be doing our Temple CD release on December 2nd at Bum's, along with our buds Frolic. Hopefully they will have iced the Jaeger down extra-special cold that night.

- Big CD release show for Dallas on Dec 9th at Firewater!!! You don't want to miss this. I just went there last night for Miser's CD release (very good band, by the way) and not only did they have a good sound guy working, they have a new light rig that's pretty damn cool. The old one is still sitting on the top back of the stage, but is non-operational, so Cliff, you won't have to risk death by electrical shock or exploding extension cord next time around.

- Chris just called me from Disney Land. Apparently Snow White gave him a good backhand when he tried to get frisky with her...then he tried to show her his "Little Dwarf" Tiny. She started laughing. Then backhanded him again.

- Ok, that's it for now. It feels weird just chilling every weekend instead of playing, but we kinda needed it too. See you soon on various stages!