Management 101
It has come to my attention, that in the true spirit of senior management, that a buck is trying to be passed by Senior Upper Management to the rest of the band. Seems that someone who will remain Chris nameless, is trying to make it look like it was our fault (that being Colin, Oztimus Prime and myself) that we failed miserably to have hotel rooms booked. Seeing as the unnamed Chris person claims he is the leader of the band, we naturally assumed that since he is Senior Upper Management that he would be competent enough to suppress his ADD for just a moment or two and remember to make hotel reservations. Usually, if management has an inkling that they may a) forget something or b) not be capable of doing something, they entrust said task to the humble, reliable, fantastically talented and ridiculously good looking members of lower and middle management, that being Colin, Oztastic, and me....he failed miserably in doing so, not only in hotel rooms, but in the posters department as well.
Is it possible that it's time for a Management Revolution in Monkeyshyneland? I say yes! Break out the pitchforks boys, time to catch us a Baldilockus Managementus!!!
I bought a book for you today, Mr. Now-Only-Upper-Middle-Management....I think you will find it useful in your attempt to once again be Senior Upper Management. We expect a full TPS report on Chapter 1 by Sunday morning.

The new Bosses,
Keef, Colin With One L, and Ozmosis.
Is it possible that it's time for a Management Revolution in Monkeyshyneland? I say yes! Break out the pitchforks boys, time to catch us a Baldilockus Managementus!!!
I bought a book for you today, Mr. Now-Only-Upper-Middle-Management....I think you will find it useful in your attempt to once again be Senior Upper Management. We expect a full TPS report on Chapter 1 by Sunday morning.

The new Bosses,
Keef, Colin With One L, and Ozmosis.
If said senior management cannot do all duties required, then said senior management should delegate same responsiblities for every event, then nothing is left uncovered & that delegated middle management person will then get the finger pointed at him for not covering HIS ASS! Since I am the EX WIFE (my choice) of an executive upper management VP of a major construction commercial contractor, I know these facts all to well. Senior management - start delegating all those jobs out!!!!! That will take care of all the crying, madness and bickering which I had to personally witness some of at Bum's as I was sucking down some alcohol and LOL at this moment burned in my feeble old mind forever. I do have to give all those who do participate in the blogging (yes Chris they really do blog) a hat's off, they are quite entertaining, well except for Oz'!!!! So 2 kudos to all of you for a road & blog job well done in the end, but please senior management DELEGATE!
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