Keith's blog: 2007

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well, first off, I defeated that little sonuvabitch Mr. Chicken and Bacon Biscuit this morning..walked right past him and didn't even think of buying one. I can't take the heartbreak (and cholesterol, haha) of that awful piece of so-called food anymore.

So anyway.

It's now 2007. monkeyshyne, and therefore all of us, are a year older. Some might think this is a bad thing, but on the flip side, there's a silver lining. Several, actually. We're all a little wiser, for one, and we all need all the help we can get to deal with the everyday annoyance that is called "everyone in the world who is an idiot that I have to deal with", ha.

I started thinking over the holidays about 2006, and how it was a year of a lot of changes for a lot of us, both me, the rest of the guys, and a lot of people that we collectively know. Some good, some bad, some unsettling, some badass. But all in all, it was a good experience, because I learned a lot about myself, met a bunch of cool people, I didn't end up in jail (not always the case, believe it or not), didn't catch a STD, am back in school chasing a future career in something I actually might enjoy for once, moved to Dallas and am digging it so far. Oh yeah, and I get to play in a badass mother#$%^&ing rock band with three of the best dudes I've ever known, despite our occasional differences.

So, instead of stressing about this or that as much as I have the last six months due to my relatively new un-Air Force-ness, I'm gonna slow down a bit, the best I can, and smell the roses a bit more. Have more fun. Bitch less (well, ok, this will be tough, ha). Party a little harder. Rock out with my buddies as often as possible. Leave no Jaeger undrunk.

We have a couple of new songs already in the works, I've had them both stuck in my head all week. We've learned some new covers that are relatively un-monkeyshyne-ish, so don't be surprised if we pull out a song that you wouldn't expect us to...just join in the fun if we do.

later kiddos, I think I hear a Shiner calling my name.....I'm out.


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