Damn you, Colin

Well, for some reason Colin decided to break the silence and tell everyone on the 'net about my background...you see, before I became a bass player extrordinaire and spork-wielding killing machine in the military, I came from a small but festive land called Sporkville. Its location is secret, kind of like the Land of Oz (not 'the Oz', but as in flying monkey and wicked witches Oz)....if you clink two shot glasses full of Jaeger together on a certain day when the stars are aligned and the moon is in Uranus (get it?), you get magically transported there. But I'm not telling which certain day, or we will suddenly be overcome by camera-wielding tourists, and we from Sporkville certainly don't want that.
But I digress...yes, I did go home for most of the last month to Sporkville, and much fun was had. I chased around flowered virgins, trying to deflower them (they like this, trust me), drank more Jaeger than you can possibly imagine...Jaeger actually used to be called "licorice schnapps in a green bottle", but stories leaked out of Sporkville (due to an undercover German reporter) about the mass quantities of now-Jaeger that I used to drink as a young lad, and they wrote about the "Jaeger Meister" and his amazing drinking feats during the annual Burro Fiesta, mistakenly assuming that the tasty drink was called 'Jaeger'....little did they know that the natives of Sporkville didn't call me that for my drinking ability..."jaeger meister" literally translated means "hunting master" and was a glorious reference to me and the aforementioned recently deflowered virgins :) But the company that made "licorice schnapps in a green bottle" thought the name was cool. So when you drink some Jaeger, now you know where the name came from.
Crap, I digressed again. Anyway, I have sobered up from my month long bender and will be in Temple (my former home for a coupla years) at Bum's with the guys, as well as Opus Flux (formerly Frolic) for an evening of drinking
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