Guess what I found?
Today, as I was cleaning out our storage room in our practice space (which is an utter lie, but I have to start the story somehow) I ran across all of our old pictures from when we were all kids...that's right, we all grew up together, you know (really, we did)....went to the same elementary school, rode the same short yellow bus, stole other kids' lunch money in the cafeteria, and we were one helluva dodgeball team...we ruled the playground.
The first picture I found was Oz's. Wow look at him...he's pimp and one sexy motherf$%^$# even way back then...look at the pimp silk tie...the shades...the look. The little girls all swooned every time he walked by, and giggled and offered to share their pudding cups with him at lunch, although I'm not quite sure if any us really knew if it was their "pudding cups" they were offering....hey, we were 6.
Next, I reached in and found one of Colin. He was sporting the
rocker-hairdo even back then, and representin' THE superhero, you know, Batman. He had his drummer gloves ready to go, and even though his mom wouldn't give him a drumset quite yet, he would beat on anything with his set of drumsticks (they were actually Tinkertoy sticks then, but hey it was a start), to include coffee cans, pickle jars, and the family cat. He also taught us to talk cool, and taught us words like "holla", "peace out", and "hey baby wanna see the inside of our van?" even though I think Run-Run (our van) was just a twinkle in Ford's eye at the time.
Next I found one of, hey that's me! Man, was I drinking coffee and smoking even when I was 6? Apparently so. Although Mom wouldn't allow me to wear my favorite "heathen" Metallica t-shirt, I would hide it over at my buddy Chris' house and wore it every day. I think I look mad in this pic because Colin kept calling me "Robin the Gay Boy Wonder" and would try to kick my ass...hence him having a black eye in his picture, haha.
Last, but definitely not least, was a pic of our buddy Chris. He
looks like he was born ready to rock! That is a $29 Sears guitar he got for his 6th birthday...I think he even slept with it, and took it to the bathroom with him...ewww. Anyway, he was sporting his favorite AC/DC shirt too, which he got away with wearing in his house by telling his parents it stood for "All Cats Devour Cookies", very slick, huh? Yes, Baldilocks had hair once upon a time! I personally think he doesn't miss it one bit, all the chicks seem to like rubbing his dome and purring "mmmm" to him these days.

Next, I reached in and found one of Colin. He was sporting the

Last, but definitely not least, was a pic of our buddy Chris. He

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