To Harley, or not to Harley....

....that is the question.
Chris had to take his Harley into the shop the other day, so I followed him up there so he could drop it off. While I was waiting on him to do his thing, I was wandering around the lot, they were having some sort of sale. There were some badass mofo-ing bikes up there, and once again I caught myself wanting one. Or just a bike in general.
Then I flash back about 13 years, to when I did used to ride...I've had 2 bikes in the past...first one was a Honda V45 Magna, which I learned to ride on. Back in the day, this was a badass bike with a lot of power, so it was kind of learning to drive, but in a Corvette. Scared the S#$% out of me sometimes. Then I traded that in on a Yamaha the time, was one of the baddest sport bikes around. I rode that thing all over until one special day, when a dimwitted piece of poo driving a red Chevy Cavalier (I'll never forget it) changed lanes into me, and I had nowhere to immediately go in that split second. I tried to hit the brakes enough for her to not plow into me without locking the brakes full up (bad on a bike when you're doing about 65) but no luck. Next thing I knew I was in the hospital with a major concussion, a busted wrist, and bruises all over. The guy in a truck a bit behind me saw the whole thing, and said that after a part of my bike ricocheted off the ground during the skid, it flipped, launching me Superman-style over the side, down the highway, where apparently I slid for about 100-150ft. I was lucky I got off relatively easy, and that I was wearing a helmet, or I woulda suffered more damage to my noggin' than I probably already have done myself, haha.
So anyway, I always get in these damn internal debates about motorcycles. I want one, because I miss riding...but then I think about the idiots on the road who hit motorcyclists all the time, not to mention I get nervous when I get in traffic due to aforementioned accident, not to really mention the fact that Dallas drivers are insane. I figured I made it this far, through a few combat zones, I don't want to be done in by someone fiddling with their radio or putting on their eyeliner while driving, and then mow me down because they're not paying attention.
On that note, keep an eye out for motorcyclists when you're driving...take that extra sec to look over your shoulder to make sure that Chris isn't cruising along in Hog-heaven right next to you!
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