It's amazing... stupid people are sometimes.
I just recently went through my first wave of tests at UNT, oh joy. I did really well on two of them and just took another today that I think I did all right on. So the studying apparently paid off.
But the best part, or most amusing I should say, was when they were giving us our tests back the other day. Okay, come with me people, and imagine you're at a semi-major university and taking your first big test...what would be the first thing you do when getting your test? (hint: the professor says, quote: "when you get your test, make sure to put your name on your test!"). That's right. 12 people in my class did NOT put their names on their test.
Issue #2. In one of the tests, there 4 versions of the test. It said it right at the top in big bold f%^&ing letters, "THIS IS VERSION B". Professor says no less than three times, "make sure you fill in the bubble on your Scantron for your version, or you will probably get a poopy score" (ok, so that's not an exact quote). I must point out that she said this at least three times. Fairly important, huh?
Guess what? That's right. Several dunderheads failed this overwhelming test. One person also not only failed to put their version down, but forgot their name as well. I said to myself that that person should get a 50 pt deduction for being a total assclown.
Ok, that's all, just wanted to share that little slice of college life with yall. Back to the books with me, oh yay.
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