emissions whaaaaat?

Ok, so I discovered inadvertently (and the hard way) about emissions testing on cars in the Dallas area. I got my car registration renewal in the mail about 6 weeks ago when I still lived in Temple, but yes, I was lazy, and told myself, "I'll just wait until I move to Dallas and do it there" as I have to change my address and get a new driver's license anyway.
So off I go yesterday to get the safety inspection we Texans all know and love...When they tell me my inspection is gonna be $39, I was kind of shocked. It's only $12 every time I did it in Temple. Ohhh, there's "emissions testing". Ok, no worries I think. My car is in pretty good shape and runs fine. But then guess what? I fail. Because my computer on my car says something like "Error Code 14401: Transmogrification Splenetic Bypass Auxiliary Injector Muffin Valve faulty."
So off I go to a service center to get it fixed. After a $90 diagnostic test in which they told me "hey your computer says "Error Code 14401: Transmogrification Splenetic Bypass Auxiliary Injector Muffin Valve faulty", so it must be bad" - gee thanks guys I already knew that - and then $75 in labor and then $107 for a part that probably cost Audi $9.95 to make...and then like 30 bucks in taxes (because the state isn't happy enough with getting $39 for a safety inspection from me). Grand Totale? $303.47. Ow.
So I'm out $300 but hey my car's Muffin Valve is A-OK. Sorry Oz, I was going to whisk you away on a Vegas weekend getaway, but not anymore. You can thank the state of Texas and some bad muffins.
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