So the other day Baldilocks and I decided to go out and play some golf at a course in it was one of those scorchin' hot days last week at 3 in the afternoon, I think it was a sizzlin'104 degrees out. But did that deter us? Hell No! (which is a killer older monkeyshyne song, by the way). So off we went. We knew it was gonna be interesting when we pulled up and there were literally 2 cars in the parking lot, and I think one of them was the old geezer's behind the counter...I mean, who in their right mind would play golf when it's 104 out? That's right, us!
So off we go, after getting a cart and loading up on water (we sure as hell weren't gonna walk it)...we had a blast. I crushed one of my drives out into the street on one hole. Chris hit this worm-burning line drive off the tee once that initially looked like a crappy shot, but it went straight and kept bouncing and ended up on the green (it mighta been ugly, but hey he parred the hole!). Twice I hit nice tee shots and Chris told me it went over the green, and twice I was bummed and then found my ball...on the green (need to get those eyes checked, buddy). We both made some good putts and some terrible ones, although Chris made like a 15-foot putt which was the best. I cranked another tee shot off of a cartpath and that thing ricocheted off into the woods like a squirrel on crack. Chris hit one shot way off to the side, and I went down the other side, we met on the green and he was laughing and saying it was his 7th shot to get there, oops.
In the end I beat him, 40 to 49, but I've played more than he has, once he practices some more, I can see us duking it out in Death Matches and betting money (even if just a quarter or a beer) to have trash talking rights. Golf is frigging hard and frustrating sometimes, I once threw my sand wedge into a lake (that's why I don't have one these days)....but it's also a fun way to get out and have some fun.
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