this week, on The Twilight Zone....

Well, I have returned from my venture to the Great White North, aka Minnesota, where I had spent a week relaxing in the non-98 degree heat and visiting with friends and my mom and stepdad. It was great getting up there for a bit, but now I'm home and ready to get back to some monkey-bidness.
There was some Twilight Zone definitely going on on this trip though. I had a connection in Cincinatti on the way as I'm walking off the plane, fooling with my cellphone and not really paying attention to much other than nor running into a trash can or a post, I notice out of the corner of my eye two women looking at me, one about my age (you know, like 24) and one a bit older....I keep walking, playing the text message game when I hear "Keith? Is that you?". I look up....holy crap. It's my ex-girlfriend Shannon who lives in Louisville, Kentucky who I went out with for a couple of years, we split up 5 years ago....but here she was, with Mom, on her way to NYC for the week. Kinda cool, we all got a cup of overpriced coffee from Starbuck's and caught up...we split after about 20 minutes, and as I walked away I thought, 'what are the odds of that happening?"
Fast forward a couple of days...I'm now in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Mall of America, the biggest mall in the country...I'm in Old Navy with an old friend who lives in Minneapolis, coincidentally named Shannon (or is it coincidence? do dee doo doo, do dee doo doo) and I hear a guy's voice say 'Keith?" and I ignored it, I thought it was someone talking to someone who worked there, but oh was Will, the floor manager from Bum's in Temple, where we often play (like this Fri night), he was by pure random coincidence up visiting family in Minnesota and Wisconsin. And I run into him in Old Navy, a store I never go into....hmm, strange things are afoot.
So what are the odds of both of those happening, much less within a couple of days? I kept waiting for my ex-wife, who I haven't heard from or seen in going on 6 years and have no idea where she is, to jump out from behind some bushes and say 'surprise!' the thought of which kinda scared me, so I had to sleep with the lights on for the rest of my trip, haha.
anyone else have some crazy coincidental 'it's a small world' kind of stories?
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