please do not send flowers
Unbeknownst to may of you, The Oz suffered a terrible accident this weekend....he apparently got near a keyboard to his computer so he could write another fantastically witty and riveting blog and guess what happened??? The Oz is allergic to blogging!!! I mean, that could explain why he blogs about as often as the Texans actually win a football game, which is sad to say, not terribly often. Maybe he knew subconsciously that his head would swell to the size of a basketball and he would break out in a chicken pox-like rash.

Poor The Oz. He loved blogging so...I guess he'll have to enroll himself in CRAB Anonymous (Can't 'Rite Another Blog), the poor bastard. Please do not send flowers, as although Oz is girl-pretty and loves daffodils, he's also allergic....please send cash donations to aid in his speedy recovery to your truly, and I will make sure cough cough that it gets to him to aid in his return to society. It better be speedy, as we're playing Friday night in Denton at the Garage!
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