the band that time forgot
A couple of weeks ago I was looking through my pictures I have on my computer, some of them are REALLY OLD pictures I had scanned in once upon a time....the boys and I were talking not too long ago about old bands we had been in, and the old hair-bands or metal bands that were big when we were learning how to play, like Stryper, Cinderella, Iron Maiden, old Metallica, Judas when I found this picture of my very first band I ever played in back in 1989 and 1990, it brought back fond memories of....OVERBOARD. Yes, I was in a cheezy band called Overboard. We even had our badass logo painted on a bedsheet, complete with an anchor (which has nothing really to do with being Overboard, but it is boat-related, and I think that was close enough for us).

Wow, check out my hair! My glorious free-flowing feathered least I didn't have more chest hair than a small Grizzly Bear like Chris did...but check out the cool pointy-headstock bass, the chicken legs, and yes of course the mandatory Ozzy t-shirt! How sweet is that shirt???? Not to mention I think I was 6 inches taller than anyone else in the band. We played such glorious tunes as "Into the Fire" and "Breaking the Chains" from Dokken, "You Got Another Thing Comin'" and "Livin After Midnight" from Priest and I think we did some Barry Manilow covers too. All right ladies I know you are now drooling at the mere thought of getting near me and being so close to my former mulleted glory, but please restrain yourself, there is only so much of me to go around.

Wow, check out my hair! My glorious free-flowing feathered least I didn't have more chest hair than a small Grizzly Bear like Chris did...but check out the cool pointy-headstock bass, the chicken legs, and yes of course the mandatory Ozzy t-shirt! How sweet is that shirt???? Not to mention I think I was 6 inches taller than anyone else in the band. We played such glorious tunes as "Into the Fire" and "Breaking the Chains" from Dokken, "You Got Another Thing Comin'" and "Livin After Midnight" from Priest and I think we did some Barry Manilow covers too. All right ladies I know you are now drooling at the mere thought of getting near me and being so close to my former mulleted glory, but please restrain yourself, there is only so much of me to go around.
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