
But I digress. My week, in a super-condensed nutshell version...
Monday: 5am (alarm clock going off)
Me: Drool
Physics final: #17. An X-ray tech weighing 70 kilograms absorbs a 14 Gray dose of cobalt-60 with a RBE of 0.70 over a period of 130 seconds. The half life of cobalt-60 is 2.38 years. A) What is the decay constant of cobalt-60? B) What is the Biologically Equivalent Dose the doctor received, in rads? C) What is the activity of the cobalt-60 in Becquerels?***
Me: (stabs pencil in eye)
*** some of this may actually make sense, physics-wise, but by this point I was more worried about the bleeding from my eye
Tuesday 5am (alarm going off again)
Me: Snnnrkkkdroool
Biomed Science Final #12: If a pacemaker falls in a forest and no one around is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Me: What kind of f%^&-ed up question is that???
Biomed Final #13: Just kidding. If the pacemaker weighs .92 kilograms and falls from a height of 3.7 meters, will the kinetic energy of the pacemaker hitting the forest floor affect the pacemaker's electrical output?
Me: (gurgling)
Thursday 6am (alarm going off still after I have hit snooze button about 8 times)
Me: drool
History Final #42: What was the socio-economic impact of the Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision of 1856 upon a) free blacks in the North and b) the expansion of slavery into the Kansas and Nebraska Territories?
Me: (counting holes in the ceiling tiles)
You should sense a pattern here.
In all actuality, I think I have managed to do all right / guess out my ass pretty well, except for the physics final, it was insane-o. If you see me drinking heavily, it's probably because I'm having nightmares about some dead old guy's theory on quantum mechanics that I will never use nor need again in my life. Which is good, because I immediately forgot it upon exiting the room.
One more tomorrow....political science! Then done. Then drink time! Hopefully will see you all on the road at a bar near you!
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