Keith's blog: For your own good

Friday, April 06, 2007

For your own good

It has come to my attention that a bit o' censorship on some potentially scandalous pictures has gotten a member of Senior Upper Management all with his panties in a bunch. Never fear, CHUMP (that's Chief Head Upper Management Provider to you folks), it was I, the crafty, wise, all-powerful bass player, Keith, who headed off certain disaster by my well-timed photo-altering direction to our super photo buddies, Scotty (What Bushes?) Horn and Cliff (Have You Seen my Star Filter?) Cook. You see, unbeknownst to the CHUMP, who was too busy trying to find someone to rub some sunscreen on his head, our intrepid drummer Colin (with one l, that is very important) was, umm, getting a bit frisky with his midget lady friend...he introduced her to me as "Chesty McNugget", who he claimed was an internationally-acclaimed "actress" who has appeared in the award-winning film, "C4: Chesty does Chicago, Cleveland and Carrollton" but I am getting off track here. Seeing as we are a TOTALLY family-friendly band, and never talk about smoking pot and getting high, or never ever drink too many JaegerBombs on stage, or show nice young pretty ladies the inside of RunRun the Magic Bus's plush and luxurious interior, I felt that I had a mission. And that was to make sure that incriminating pics of Colin and "Chesty" doing let-us-say-NC-17-rated things were properly doctored, so we don't lose our Disney sponsorship. So really, you should be thanking me....

Just as a side note, "Chesty" asked if we would show a picture of the shirt she gave Colin after their "post-show interview"...
hugs not drugs,
Sr. Upper Middle Management


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