To whom it may concern,
It appears that Baldilocks is a resignation Indian-giver, among other things, so my well-deserved takeover attempt has been thwarted, but only for the time being. Come on, the McDonald's "Rockin' 2 Years Old Play Ground Extravaganza" was so going to be a rockin' show, we could have played on the slide afterwards...your loss, O Shiny-Headed One.
So I am unfortunately relegated back to my old work position at BlinkyBurger as Senior Fry Technician. This is of course a very satisfying and honorable position, as you may imagine....I mean, I'm in charge of bringing deep-fried potato-y goodness to the masses of customers every day, thereby brightening their day!!! (and increasing their chances of keeling over dead from a heart attack, but that's THEIR problem, not mine).
Sometimes it gets slow at work, and I get bored and find ways to amuse myself by putting things in the Fry-O-Matic 300GT (with self-cleaning drip pan option), this was not such a good idea, in retrospect.....

But anyway, I digress...hope to see you at BlinkyBurger soon!!! And at Firewater this Saturday night, I will be the kool looking guy on the right of the stage. Come say hi and I may even give you a free coupon for a JumboBlinkyFry!!!
It appears that Baldilocks is a resignation Indian-giver, among other things, so my well-deserved takeover attempt has been thwarted, but only for the time being. Come on, the McDonald's "Rockin' 2 Years Old Play Ground Extravaganza" was so going to be a rockin' show, we could have played on the slide afterwards...your loss, O Shiny-Headed One.
So I am unfortunately relegated back to my old work position at BlinkyBurger as Senior Fry Technician. This is of course a very satisfying and honorable position, as you may imagine....I mean, I'm in charge of bringing deep-fried potato-y goodness to the masses of customers every day, thereby brightening their day!!! (and increasing their chances of keeling over dead from a heart attack, but that's THEIR problem, not mine).
Sometimes it gets slow at work, and I get bored and find ways to amuse myself by putting things in the Fry-O-Matic 300GT (with self-cleaning drip pan option), this was not such a good idea, in retrospect.....

But anyway, I digress...hope to see you at BlinkyBurger soon!!! And at Firewater this Saturday night, I will be the kool looking guy on the right of the stage. Come say hi and I may even give you a free coupon for a JumboBlinkyFry!!!
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