Hog wild.....

Had a great weekend this time around, we played down in Temple, TX on Friday night, it was good to see a lot of familiar faces out there. Everything was kinda quiet for the first few songs, then Baldilocks AKA Chris decides to bust out "Family Tradition" from Hank Williams Jr and the crowd goes wild and stays wild, we have a blast, so to Alicia, Dan, Jenny, Bones, Mikey, Brandy and everyone else who made it out, thanks for making it a helluva time. Oh, and Oz? Sorry about braining you with my guitar. Good game though, buddy.
So Sat night we play down in the Deep Ellum Community Music Festival in Dallas....we're down setting up at 9, no one's there at the Liquid Lounge, we're thinking this just might suck a bit...but then suddenly the flood gates opened and we have this big crowd. Chris announces we're doing 'Family Tradition' and you can hear this groan "noooooooooooooo" but man, once we started eveyone is singing along and getting into it. Another really fun set, I did not want to get off the stage after our 40min set was up.
So to everyone who made it out and went 'Hog Wild'....you rock.
It was a good show...and thanks for walking me up the stairs.
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